We explain what positive feedback on an employee's work is, why you have been giving it incorrectly all this time and how to do it.
How do you supply a boat – so it will float. A narration about what kind of equipment a children's computer school needs, and which one is better not to buy.
We talk about how to identify a bad franchise and what to do if you get into a bad company.
Interview with CODDY franchisee about our inner kitchen, what it's like to work for yourself, and what it takes to become a successful franchisee.
We tell you what is important to focus on when compiling a programming training course, and how we teach children and adults.
Let's talk about where and how children of different ages are taught to code, and what programming training programs the state offers.
From the scientific and methodological side, we analyze why programming is so useful for the child's brain, when to start coding and how best to continue.
Distance learning continues to gain momentum – how to stay afloat and update your training programs? We give and analyze five new tips for online schools.
We tell you how to properly compose a resume and check the candidate. We share answers to non-obvious questions: what to do with people without experience, how to choose the right people among dozens of responses and what goals should you set?
In this article we talk about the ways of decomposition. We show what is the benefit of competent planning and how to increase the chance of success in business.
In this article we talked about the benefits of onboarding. What it is, how to properly accept new employees in the company and how to increase their productivity during the probationary period.
Each of us is familiar with any person on Earth through a chain of six common acquaintances – this theory was deduced by American psychologists half a century ago. We figure out what she has to do with business and how to make her work for herself.
The article tells about the use of intangible motivation. We will show how to use it correctly and what are the methods of encouraging employees.
Let's talk about how to communicate with colleagues in a new way – both by mail and messengers.

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